Message from our CEO
By 2050 Japan future population is estimated to be less than 100 million, of which the larger group is comprise of age group above 60 years old. Our core business is focused mainly in the medical industry not only in Japan but in the world.
Since I became CEO, the business direction for the group has taken into new course of direction, where I believe in diversifying into other business opportunities and capitalizing it to the fullest is the new way forward.
We should not only be looking into medical field but there are also other business opportunities such as in hospitality, trading and new products. Many more business opportunities will be available and will be explored for its viability.
The business opportunities is endless and we will capitalize on it for better future and success in the group.
Our aim is to give the best support and services to our cliental, suppliers and colleagues hence a better business environment and a better life ahead.
Your support in this journey to carve our future together as a group is much valued and respected.
Denriche Co. Ltd. would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude for the interest and support given throughout this time.
Yusuke Ota
Denriche Co., Ltd